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They Don't Exist
Precocious Strip
Strip guide
Strip Number 11
Arc Gender Wars
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Swift! Brutal! Feminine! The Recruitment Drive


Panel 1
Bud: "I'm confused"
Jacob: "What are those girls doing?"
Deirdre: "What's wrong, boys?"
Panel 2
Jacob: "They've set up a booth, Mom!"
Bud: "There's no one to recruit here!"
Deirdre: "Actually..."
Panel 3
Deirdre: "The neighborhood is filled with children your age. Just because they don't go to your school, doesn't—heh—mean they don't exist..."
Panel 4
Jacob: "What are those girls doing?"
Bud: "There's no one to recruit here!"

Alt text[]

Normal people are not worth acknowledging


Depicted Characters[]


Inside and outside the Linkletter residence.


Deirdre Linkletter's first appearance

External link[]