The Et twins are the twin 2-year-old brothers of Tiffany Et. Their sole purpose in life at this stage in their development is to doublehandedly unleash as much mayhem as is irrationally feasible. They are Sky Et's trial by chaos. To date, their names remain a mystery.
Precocious characters |
Main cast
Bud Oven | Autumn Pingo | Jacob Linkletter | Tiffany Et Suzette Grady | Dionne Crup | Max Zeit | Kaitlyn Hu | Roddy Finnegan | Quincy Wozwax | Vincent Iddenstein | Yvette Nutley | Ursula Xane Sydney and Joseph Oven | Ivy and Soren Pingo | Deirdre and Harvey Linkletter | Sky and Gene Et Xander Upton | Michelangelo Et | Frida Et | The Et twins | Wen Hu | Johnny Turringer | Colleen Finnegan | Officer Dawson |