Precocious Wiki
Punctuality Through Deception
Precocious Strip
2-Punctuality Through Deception
Strip guide
Strip Number 2
Arc Gender Wars
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All About the Violence Always a Hoot at Parties


Panel 1
(off panel): "Hi, Jacob."
Jacob: "Sorry I'm late"
Panel 2
Jacob: "Since it's my turn to bring the day's activity, I asked my parents for suggestions."
Panel 3
Jacob: "Then we got to chatting and joking... You know how it goes.
Panel 4
Bud: "Autumn lied to her parents, and she got here on time."
Autumn: "Yeah!"

Alt text[]

Lies will get you everywhere!


Depicted Characters[]

Referenced Characters[]


Bud's Clubhouse located at the Oven residence


Jacob's First appearance.

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