Precocious Wiki
Ms. Hillburn
Precocious Strip
1080-Ms Hillburn
Strip guide
Strip Number 1080
Arc Your Future Career
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A special guest Career Aptitude Test


Panel 1
Ms. Hillburn: "Hello, Class! My name is Ms. Hillburn, and I'm in charge today."
Panel 2
Ms. Hillburn: "Wow, , you all look certainly look excited!
(off panel): "PSST!"
Panel 3
Ms. Monster: "Here, you'll need this."
Ms. Hillburn: "A baseball bat? why?"
Panel 4
(off panel): "Trust me on this."
Ms. Hillburn: "Oooh, this is one of those classes."

Alt text[]

You all have mischievous smiles. That's good!


Depicted Characters[]


Classroom 201 in Poppinstock Academy


This is the naming appearance Becca Hillburn.

External link[]