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Precocious Strip
Strip guide
Strip Number 64
Arc Gender Wars
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How do you pay a saint? Sky Et: Master Strategist


Panel 1
(off panel): "So I meet the famous Autumn!"
Autumn: "Hello!"
Sky: "OK, Swarm, into the van."
(off panel): "How is it you've been here a month and we've just met?"
Panel 2
Gene: "Guess I'm at work too much. I apologize for that. Oh well. Tell me, Bud, how is your father doing? Any resent shows?"
Panel 3
Bud: "Not really. I don't think he has any openings planned."
Gene: "That's a shame. He's very talented. Tell him to get out there some more!"
Panel 4
(off panel): "Well, Eccentrics are eccentric! Hah! Jinx!"
Autumn: "Hmm."

Alt text[]

On the thoughts in Autumn's head: Only bad can come from this


Depicted Characters[]

Referenced Characters[]


Et residence in Sapphire Lake


This is the First appearance of Gene Et

External link[]