Precocious Wiki
Diamond Bluffs vs Sapphire Lake: A Socioeconomic Game
Precocious Strip
Strip guide
Strip Number 177
Arc Gag-a-day May
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Sir, I exist! A delicate touch


Panel 1
Max: "Sapphire Bowling?"
Dionne: "Sapphire Bowling. Watch."
Panel 2
Dionne: "There are several targets at the base of the hill. We toss the ball..."
Panel 3
Jacob: "AUGH!"
Panel 4
Dionne: "I'd call that a strike!"
Max: "Oh my."

Alt text[]

Diamond Bluffs. Diamond Bluffs. Diamond Bluffs hates Sapphire Lake. They have a fight, Diamond Bluffs wins. Diamond Bluffs.


Depicted Characters[]


Diamond Bluffs.

External link[]