Christopher J Paulsen (known worldwide as Chrispy) is the creator of Precocious. Born an artist and currently a sycophant, Chrispy is the reason Precocious exists. He spawned the original idea for the comic back in 1991 but turned to fine art painting as he progressed through school and life. While still a painter of abstract pieces, Chrispy nevertheless also desired to create a comic strip showcasing the crazy kids he had dreamed up. Thus came a significantly intensive period of study and practice of cartooning, and thus successfully birthed Precocious on the first day of 2009. Chrispy's favorite comics and inspirations for the Precocious strip include Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, Ozy and Millie, Bloom County, and Fox Trot, while his own experiences and outlooks from the northern part of Virginia helped to shape the structure of the comic's universe.