Precocious Wiki
A wasted rant
Precocious Strip
Strip guide
Strip Number 473
Arc Group Projects
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She's gonna blow! Move on


Panel 1
Suzette: "How dare you say such things to me!"
Panel 2
Suzette: "I get it. Picking on me just because I'm a little girl, huh?"
(off panel): "Suzette?"
Panel 3
Suzette" "Yeah, we'll see how incapable I am when I beat you within an inch of your—"
(off panel): "Suzette?"
Panel 4
Jacob : "Who are you talking to?"
Suzette: "Huh? Where'd he go?"

Alt text[]

You were blindly seething for, like, five minutes.


Depicted Characters[]

Referenced Characters[]


Classroom 201 in Poppinstock Academy

External link[]