Precocious Wiki
A responsible adult
Precocious Strip
766-Responsible Adult
Strip guide
Strip Number 766
Arc It's no fun being a grown-up
Previous Next
A special dinner Poorly-timed


Panel 1
(off panel): "So" *munch* "I think I did great with the kids today!"
Panel 2
(off panel): "I was thinking" *smack* "it'd be fun to do something" *crunch* "special for them while I'm here!" *slurp*
Panel 3
(off panel): "Maybe I could take them to the" *chomp* "city and tour some museums." *gnaw*
Panel 4
Mike: "Hey, I'm a responsible adult now, right?"

Alt text[]

Aww, he got to sit at the adults table this time!


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The Et residence in Sapphire Lake

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