Precocious Wiki
A new year
Precocious Strip
Strip guide
Strip Number 419
Arc Let it snow!
Previous Next
They started it Old habits are hard to break


Panel 1
Jacob: "For my News Year's Resolution, I vow..."
Panel 2
Max: "To be kinder and gentler to all!"
Panel 3
Tiffany: "To eat my weight in jellybeans!"
Panel 4
Roddy: "To finally get the respect I deserve."
Panel 5
Dionne: "To stop being so darn nice."
Panel 6
Suzette: "To bite people who disagree with me."
Panel 7
Autumn: "To keep up with my research!"
Panel 8
Bud: "To not get caught."

Alt text[]

400+ strips in 365 days of existence. This strip lives up to its name!


Depicted Characters[]

Referenced Characters[]




This is the first strip of 2010, the one year anniversary of the release of the comic. This date does not match it's url date because the comic originally used a non date based, as the comic was not always a daily release so the back dated from before the turn over are no accurate.

The extra comics mentioned in the alt text include Copper Road strips.

External link[]